Thursday, January 28, 2010

Its been some time...

Well its been a while since I've even thought about blogging, but a lot has gone on in a year! First to say, I had a wonderful little girl that was born on April 26, 2009. She is now 9 months old! Once I remember how to post pictures I will, or just visit my facebook page and you'll see her!

In September a lot happened....Mike became a Senior Pastor at Turning Point Church in Mulberry, went to TN to visit one of my best friends, it was a great visit, turned 29 and started working 4 days a week.

In November, we started being tested by the Devil! Mike turned 31 on November 8th and got sick and was sick for two weeks straight or maybe even longer! Now we have $1,000 medical bill for Lakeland Regional! Way to go Mike, just kidding. Not only was Mike sick, little Ava started getting ear infections in October, she was on meds for 27 days straight, Tubes were coming in her future...So in December we finally went to the ENT, (ear, nose and throat) doctor. We were scheduled for tubes the next day! We were shocked that it all happened so quickly, well about 30 minutes later Watson Clinic was calling for money, then Lakeland Surgical, well long story short, we didn't have the money to do it so we had to cancel! I was so sad, and I asked Mike what do we do? He said start praying and God will provide, ye of little faith, yes, that would be me....Called someone else and guess what they said the same thing, just start praying! So guess what, I did! Well again another long story short, went to church that night and God provided! Yes, the whole amount! But we waited to have Ava's surgery until January, so a new deductible and everything!

Christmas was very different this year, but we managed with the family! It was nice to have Christmas with MY family! I think we started a new tradition!

January was a busy month for me, I basically was in Jacksonville the entire month or and the beginning! Olivia, my wonderful Albritton sister got married, so there were bachelorette parties and showers and the wedding that we had to go to, it was wonderful, she married a WONDERFUL man of God!

While we were there, I got sick! I got the FLU! It wasn't until the last day, but that was the day we were suppose to go to St. Augustine, we didn't get to do that, sorry Mike! I missed 3 days of work for having the Flu, yuck!

So here I am, a Thursday morning, when I should be at work! Well after working for 4.5 years, I was terminated, fired! I knew it was coming, just wish it would have been a mutual agreement, so I didn't have to say I was fired! So why did it happen, well I think I was set up! I've been working there like I said for 4.5 years, and hadn't had too many problems, but within the last 4-6 months, I was written up 3 times for pity stuff...I just think he was done with me, since he hired a Office Manager...but I've never felt so much peace about losing a job, the only thing is I don't have one, but God will take care of us and I'm still searching, so in the mean time, I might start blogging, sometimes, I think it just need to vent, so now all you can enjoy!

So until next time, pray for me and my family that I find a job! I got some ideas for other blogs so keep posted!