Saturday, February 20, 2010

Valentine's weekend

This year Mike surprised me, well he tried to until Andy blew it.  But oh well.  I knew Mike had something planned because he was texting and being secretive he wouldn't even talk to me!  So Friday night we went with the Garmons to Pizza Connection.  On the way to pick them up I kept asking Mike what we were doing.  He wouldn't tell me.  I told him it would with probably be either The Melting Pot or PF Chang's.  Well we picked the Garmon's up in the mini and we were discussing what we were going to get on the pizzas, Andy said...Lettuce Wraps from PF Chang's....I looked at Mike and he looked in the rear mirror and said "Thanks Andy" I knew what we were doing, but didn't know with who or if it was with ourselves.  I knew the Garmon's couldn't come so narrowed it down...don't have that many friends!  :)  Well I was really hoping that Danny and Courtney would be able to go with us or if Mike asked them I hope they would say yes, since we don't get to spend much time with them.  Well traffic to Tampa is awful so we thought we were running a little late, Mike called someone and said we were in traffic and would be there soon.  So I knew then someone was going with us.  But still didn't know who.  We finally got there not too much after he called whomever, and walked in and there they were...Danny and Courtney!  Yay!  I was really happy.  So we all enjoyed dinner and talked the whole time to the point where I had to say, I think we need to leave since they are probably wanting to sit the table.  But the night didn't end there we walked around the mall trying to find them something to wear for an event, but no luck.  Thanks Honey for the nice night and thanks Danny and Court for being such good friends! 

Here's some pictures of Abi & Ava all dressed up in there Valentine's outfits.

After church that evening we decided to roast marshmellows...yummy!  Abi learned that she really likes them.  I think me and her ate all of them because Mike was gone on his phone doing church business...

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